To me, my work, and Color, Andy was a champion and wealth of knowledge and support. Bonfire was and is, THE craft focused company in town. He paved the way and encouraged others to follow same path. Certainly without, Bonfire, Color would not be in Eagle. During our start up phase and well into our first two years, we leaned on Andy for critical advice and support. He knew what it took to successfully start, own, and operate a business like ours in a small mountain town. I can’t go over everything I learned from Andy here, but the most critical piece of advice I received from Andy was about the importance of giving back to the community that supports you. To paraphrase, he said “Just say yes to every request that you possibly can. A lot of people are going to ask you for things, and we at Bonfire, say yes to everything, within reason. That doesn’t mean to give more than you can or should, just give whatever makes the most sense. A small donation is better than no donation.” So that’s what I have done and that’s what I will continue to do. Give back. Thank you Andy, we will miss you dearly. I promise I will work tirelessly to make Eagle a better place.
In collaboration with Bonfire, I’m proud to introduce our latest beer, Whiskey Barrel-Aged Imperial Coffee Porter. An amped up version of Tent Pole was sent to slumber in freshly emptied Law’s Whiskey Barrels for 9 months. It was then blended with our Colombian Inzá cold brew directly before being bottled on 2/1. Big boozy whiskey notes mingle with roasted coffee, vanilla, and oak flavors in a smooth, creamy, and cola-like mouthfeel.