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Color Roasters

Color Coffee Roasters is the culmination of years of obsession, backyard tinkering, and the desire to spread the gospel of great coffee.

Color Flag Ship Store & Roastery: Located in beautiful Eagle, Colorado.

FREE shipping on all US orders when you spend $40 or more!

Bean Score Top 100: Guatemala Gustavo and Ethiopia Kokosa

Bean Score Top 100: Guatemala Gustavo and Ethiopia Kokosa

Pleased to announce that 2 of our coffees have been selected as top 100 coffees on the Bean Score Top 100.  Utilizing a blind taste test by a certified Q grader, this test is a great way to unbiasedly score and rank coffees.  We're honored to have 2 of our coffees selected.
Our beloved Ethiopa Kokosa was ranked as 19th and our Guatemala Gustavo was ranked 38th.  You can still try our Guatemala Gustavo for a couple more weeks so head to this link to purchase a bag.  Our Ethiopia Kokosa will be back next season!
Happy drinking!
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