DEAR CHARLIE: I am a decaf drinker, mostly, and I’ve never really questioned how a decaf coffee comes to be, till now. My decaf coffee is so delicious I find myself second guessing if it is even decaf and wondering how DID they get the caffeine out without sacrificing its flavor?
DEAR CURIOUS: The good news is that the de-caffeination process is highly effective getting rid of 97% of caffeine without sacrificing the flavor and holding onto the anti-oxidants. But that doesn’t really answer your perplexing question. Here goes…
There are a few ways to remove the caffeine such as Swiss Water Process, and Carbon Dioxide Process ( We use EA Natural aka The Sugarcane Method.
In a nutshell: Green coffee beans are washed with an Ethyl Acetate solution, a naturally obtained byproduct of the fermentation of sugar cane. The Ethyl Acetate attracts and removes the caffeine. (
Thus, the 1000+ substances in the coffee bean that contribute to the taste and aroma are left behind to roast and later brew a stellar cup of coffee! Exciting news for decaf drinkers who still get to enjoy the full bodied flavor of their morning Java!
We love questions about coffee! If you have any coffee questions to ask Charlie please send him an email -