Our premier Inzá coffee of the year! Such a delight to sip and enjoy. Fresh, vibrant, and layered. This coffee has it all and we're so pleased to offer it to you all. Juicy and diverse flavors of black raspberry, fudge, clove, and vanilla.
ORIGIN: Inzá, Colombia
PRODUCER: The Penna Family
ELEVATION: 1800-1900 masl
VARIETY: Caturra, Typica, Colombia
PROCESS: Washed / 12-24 hours, dry / 7-14 days on raised beds under parabolic cover
TASTING NOTES: Black raspberry, fudge, clove, and vanilla.
Farm Level
The farms of the Penna brothers occupy a uniquely privileged geographical position within an area with a long and complex history. The Agua Blanca community is located in the Pedregal district in the Inzá region. Because it lies between the snow-capped Huila and the Purace volcano, its lands are fertile with abundant forests. The Inzá area is part of the national archaeological park called Tierradentro. This park is known worldwide for having the largest concentration of monumental underground tombs from the pre-Hispanic era. Inhabited by indigenous agricultural societies from 600 to 900 BC, the area was penetrated by the Spanish in the 16th century. The original inhabitants of the area were displaced, but other indigenous groups—Paeces, Pijaos, Yalcones and Timanaes—put aside their own disputes and united to face the conquerors. Now, the Paece populations that inhabit the region claim its continuity and do not forget their ancestral customs. Over the years, this entire area became a large coffee growing area where community members and day laborers work during the harvest season. The Penna brothers maintain their own farms throughout the year. Cherry is processed for defects, depulped and dried on-site. Parchment coffee is loaded onto a mule for transport or driven to the nearest dry mill. When coffee does not require immediate attention, the Penna brothers focus on growing food for their families and improving the construction of their processing areas or homes. Growing coffee is a family tradition and is one of the most exported agricultural crops next to cut flowers in Colombia. In this iconic area where tradition and ancestral knowledge coexist with new modernization trends, the natural result is a coffee of exceptional quality.