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Color Roasters

Color Coffee Roasters is the culmination of years of obsession, backyard tinkering, and the desire to spread the gospel of great coffee.

Color Flag Ship Store & Roastery: Located in beautiful Eagle, Colorado.

4 Days Only - 20% Off Coffee! 3/27-4/1

Yvonne with a male friend sitting outside in black hoodies

Ambassador Spotlight: Yvonne Degorter


I’m from Charlotte NC originally and moved to the Vail Valley in 2007. I own three yoga businesses. Yoga Off Broadway, Yoga+Beats, and Stay@OM Yoga on Demand. Obviously I love yoga but I also love music (I have a degree in music therapy), hiking, eating great food, and playing with my kids. 


Color literally keeps me going. I work (a lot) and Color is my source of caffeine and healthy fuel. I love being Color’s neighbor and the community of people that work there and hang out there! 

I love that Color provides healthy and quality coffee and food. I love that they foster a sense of community and healthy lifestyle. 

Yvonne Degorter Yogi Head Shot

Yvonne Degorter on a mat doing yoga outside

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