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Color Roasters

Color Coffee Roasters is the culmination of years of obsession, backyard tinkering, and the desire to spread the gospel of great coffee.

Color Flag Ship Store & Roastery: Located in beautiful Eagle, Colorado.

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Voted Best Coffee Roasters of 2019

Voted Best Coffee Roasters of 2019

We are happy to share that Color Coffee Roasters has been voted in the top 20 Best Coffee Roasters across the U.S. for 2019 by RAVE Reviews. Many other amazing roasters are in our company and we are honored to be among this group.

RAVE taste tested every reviewed roast in the exact same way -- by brewing the coffee over a Hairo V60 Kettle, and using a Kalita Wave Kit, scale, filter, and whole roasted beans (finely grinded); brew time: four-minutes.*

*RAVE Includes step-by-step instructions on how to brew the best coffee at home using the Hairo V60.


------------ Excerpt -------------

"...Most people feel perfectly content with their daily coffee routine. So why disrupt it?

The reason is pretty simple: Coffee can offer you more than a quick, unconscious caffeine delivery service. When you properly source, prepare, and appreciate the best coffee beans, the resulting cup can provide you with one of the most interesting and varied culinary experiences around.

Different beans grown in different regions provide massive variations in flavor. Different roasting styles and preparation methods produce dramatically different profiles. Each good cup of coffee gives you three times the flavor complexity of wine...

We produced this guide to help you get started as you deepen your exploration and appreciation of coffee—and to give existing coffee experts a handy buyers’ guide for new beans they might want to try.

In the first half of this guide, we’ll spend a little time outlining how a coffee newbie can approach changing their habits. We’ll include a few rules of thumb for coffee selection and preparation.

Then, in the second half, we’ll dig into reviews of 20 individual bags of coffee that come from many of the best coffee brands around. In these reviews, we’ll provide a clear picture of which coffees in today’s market are worth exploring, and which might be better off avoided..."

Color Coffee Roasters Review: Yabitu Koba, Ethiopian Roast

"One of the newest high-quality roasters around, Color Coffee Roasters was founded in 2016, with a specific focus on providing world-class coffees to their home in the Vail Valley.

They balance simplicity with a meticulous attention to bringing quality, craftsmanship, and innovative approaches to their coffees. They have evolved quickly from a small home-based roaster into one of the most dedicated and interesting roasters in the country.

This is an interesting coffee. Drinking it, you almost feel like you are drinking lemonade. It carries a light body, but features lots of complexity, including both a well-developed caramel along with a nice round sweetness of baked pear and sweet cream. A wonderful, complex, and interesting coffee."

Click here for the full article and Coffee Review, by: Morgan Bennette

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